Our 2020 plans might have been put on hold due to the pandemic that the world is currently facing. However, there are still things that we can do while we stay at home. Let’s take this time to do some improvements to our outdoor space, some tasks we previously didn’t have time for because of busy schedules. But now that we all remain at home 24/7, it’s also a good time to do something productive.

  1. Cleaning up your existing outdoor area

This might be part of your usual activity but cleaning up also helps improve our disposition. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter gives us a sense of relief and peace of mind. By doing this, you will also be able to assess the current situation of the area then decide what you can do to improve it.

  1. Install a solar lamp on your garden

Lighting up your garden doesn’t have to be expensive and consuming. Opt for solar lights that can brighten up your path at night without the additional electricity bill! Using these environment-friendly lights also spares you the hassle of changing batteries. Place them somewhere they can have 6-8 hours a day.

Source: www.hgtv.com

  1. Brighten up your landscaping

Plant some flowers that blossom with bright and vibrant colors. These not only add flair to your outdoors but also give your space some happy colors as well. Add some bricks or stones for a more natural-looking edging.

Source: www.bhg.com

  1. Give accent to your backyard

Enhance the look of your pathway by putting some nice-looking stepping stones. They may be concrete shaped into a leaf, a foot, or just a simple block, if you want to be practical. It all depends on what makes you feel good, really!

Source: www.realsimple.com

  1. Display your collection

Have you been cultivating succulents but don’t know where to put them? Use planks of wood, even old ones lying about, to construct layers of shelves. Putting your succulents in colorful planters, gathering them and putting them on all the shelves make for a great focal point in your backyard.

Source: www.realsimple.com

Through these simple activities, we can maintain a sense of accomplishment while doing something productive. Doing these not only keep our homes look great but also help us remain mentally healthy in these uncertain times. We will get through this together. Stay safe, everyone!
