A solid foundation is key to perfect paver installation. However, in many instances, mistakes can occur too. Numerous problems and complications can arise in a patio or other paved areas if the proper foundation isn’t laid properly and without utmost care. When the installation isn’t on point, a dip or settling in the pavement can become a bothersome problem. Not to mention it is unsightly for your home as well.

What Could Happen

Settled pavers can create unwanted puddling or pooling of water. This can be a serious problem especially here in the Philippines where rainy seasons can bring strong storms and heavy rains. Hence making puddling on settled pavers even more possible. This is a common problem when using pavers for your outdoor areas but its not something that can’t be fixed.

Pavers are easy to maintain and fixed – for instance, you can remove the damaged paver and replace it with a new one. There’s no need for any kind of demolition. However, if the problem you need fixed is settled pavers and puddling, then the solution is redoing your compaction process.

What are the Causes?

The main problem for pavers having “dips” is most likely the faulty compaction of the soil base as they were filled in. Unlike asphalt or concrete, paved spaces can be repaired easily.

Before starting to fix the problem, you need to assess the area first – a simple investigation to size things up. Remove one or more pavers to expose the problem. If you’re positive that the problem is settling, then start with adding more base gravel and re-compacting the area. This time, it is imperative to be cautious and meticulous with the installation process to avoid further damage in the future.

The settling of the base is a common cause of patio failure.  While this can continue for a long time, most settling occurs during the first four years. One other remedy is re-compacting the paved area with concrete base. However, this voids the capability of the pavers to regulate water runoff. The most favorable option is re-compacting it with the same base gravel.