In the near future, Ilonggos driving down Bonifacio Drive will soon witness another edifice that beholds Iloilo’s solid commitment to preserve and promote its local culture – to the country and to the world.

The lloilo Provincial Jail is currently undergoing renovation to become a regional museum which will soon house and showcase the most significant archives and collections pertaining to the history of Iloilo and Western Visayas. Now named as the Western Visayas Regional Museum, it was turned over to the National Museum of the Philippines by the Iloilo Provincial Government but admission to the museum will be free of charge.


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The provincial jail, spanning 868 meters, was first established in 1911 – that’s 108 years ago. However it was vacated in 2006 as the provincial government built a new jail in Pototan, Iloilo. It remained unused for years until the decision to transform the iconic structure into a regional museum. It has been declared as an “important cultural property” by the National Musuem of the Philippines.

Redesigning the museum was a task taken under the wing of Architect Guillermo Hisancha together with a team from the National Museum. It will boast galleries about fine arts, natural history, textile, archaeology and ethnography. When the museum opens its doors to the public, Ilonggos will soon discover more about the region’s hidden histories and will become a source of a strengthened nationalism for everyone. Tourists visiting the province will also have in-depth experience of getting to know the region, not just through its famous beaches but its glorious and rich cultural past as well.

Touch of Primax

PRIMAX have been part of many projects that involve the renovation and preservation of the cultural and historical beauty of Iloilo. The Western Visayas Regional Museum is no exception. As with every project in the past, we are proud that our paving block products have become part of the provincial jail’s renovation. The paving block designs that are being used are: Primax Holland and Multiwave in Grey.

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Through our paving blocks, we hope to help build a Iloilo that embodies and radiates the richness and beauty of its culture and heritage.


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*Cover photo is from